Tuesday 4th September 2012

Internet Explorer making a comeback?

Internet Explorer 9 has been out a good while now but is being given a re-launch with new advertisements from Microsoft (see below). Does it have what it takes to make it against the competition?

If you had asked that question a year or two ago the answer would of been no, with Firefox and Chrome growing and eating away at the market share. Since then Mozilla have taken Firefox in somewhat of a different direction, becoming a more sluggish browser and suffering issues such as those surrounding the Flash plugin. Even though that is a technology on the decline as HTML5 comes in and certainly takes away some of the necessity of flash with HTML5's video support, your browser locking up due to a plugin crash doesnt do much to help productivity. Internet Explorer on the other hand has got sleeker, much better at complying with modern web standards, and has the speed and smoothness Firefox used to be able to boast about.

For myself atleast I'll be sticking with Firefox for now as there's some features I would not want to do without and hopefully along with Adobe the Flash performance can be improved. It is however a positive step forward for Microsoft and for those sticking with IE as their out-of-the-box browser.
- Vernon Richardson, New Media Developer and Company Partner @ Blue Fusion Web